Terms and Conditions
Terms and Conditions
- All classes are strictly booking only.
-We ask that you book all classes including the ones in your membership package before you turn up. You have two weeks before the class to do so. We suggest you do this in plenty of time as occasionally classes do get booked up.
- Classes and discounts associated with your membership package are to used by the named member only and cannot be transferred to another person.
- Purchasing any Loyalty Membership package means you are committing to a 12 month Direct Debit contract. If payments should cease before the end of your contract you will continue to accrue your membership debt costs for the duration of the agreed 12month period (without you being able to attend or book classes). All costs associated with action taken to recover any unpaid balance will also be added to your account.
- From all Loyalty Memberships, with 14 days’ notice, you are able to move to any other tier of Loyalty membership. If your direct debit is due less than 14 days from your notice of a membership change you will be charged the current membership price for one more rolling month and then the following month you will be charged the new membership price.
- Freedom Memberships give you the freedom to cancel your membership at any time. If you would like to cancel your Freedom membership we ask that you give 14 days’ notice. If your direct debit is due with less than 14 days of notice being given then this direct debit will still be charged.
- From all Freedom Memberships, with 14 days’ notice, you are able to move to any other tier of membership. If your direct debit is due less than 14 days from your notice of a membership change you will be charged the current membership price for one more rolling month and then the following month you will be charged the new membership price.
-If you have ANY of our direct debit contract memberships and are changing banks or if your card is due to expire, you must update your details on your account immediately.
If this does not occur, we shall suspend your account resulting in you no longer being able to book or attend classes until the new details are stored.
A £10 late fee will apply if you do not provide a valid payment details within 10 calendar days of the original rejection date.
- Both Loyalty and Freedom Members must abide by the 24hour transfer policy. If you cannot attend a class that you have booked please transfer it before 24 hours before the start of the class. Failure to do so will result in you losing this class off your membership for that month, or losing the cost of the class if booked as an extra class.
- WE DO NOT ACCEPT CANCELLATIONS OVER THE PHONE, TEXT OR EMAIL as these may not be picked up in time. Simply log-in to your account via the MINDBODY app or website to cancel your booking.
- Please note normal scheduled classes will not be held on Bank Holidays. As a family focussed community we will also not be offering evening classes should they happen to fall on Halloween or Bonfire Night.
- We are not legally obliged to compensate you for any service, facility or item of equipment that is unavailable for reasons of health and safety, or any class that is cancelled for reasons beyond our control (apart from refund of any pre-paid fee).
- We will not compensate you for loss, damage or personal injury where no negligence on our part can be proven.
- We reserve the right to cancel or suspend your membership if at any time:
1. You seriously or repeatedly break these terms and conditions of use, or your membership agreement.
2. You or your guests use rude or abusive language or violent behaviour, or if your behaviour puts other class members or our staff at risk of harm or affects their interests in any way.
- If we terminate or cancel your membership for any of the reasons listed here, we will not refund any prepaid classes or membership fee that you have made.
The Direct Debit Guarantee
This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits. If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit LoveFit Dance will notify you 10 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request LoveFIt Dance to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request. If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by LoveFit Dance or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society – if you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when LoveFit Dance asks you to. You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify LoveFit Dance.